Think and Grow Rich


Napoleon Hill

7.80 ر.ع.

This Book Could Be Worth a Million Dollars to You

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Napoleon Hill
Penguin Select Classics


THE GREATEST ‘SUCCESS’ CLASSIC OF ALL TIME! Think and Grow Rich is the number one inspirational and motivational classic for individuals who are interested in furthering their lives and achieving their goals. Drawing inspiration from the lives of Andrew Carnegie, Thomas Edison, Henry Ford, and other millionaires of this generation, Napoleon Hill reveals the life-changing secret to securing exceptional wealth and success. Now you too can master the secret of true and lasting success! Simply follow the basic techniques this book reveals. DISCOVER:

  • How the principle of auto suggestion can increase your confidence, magnetism, and capabilities
  • How you can master your mind to receive ideas from the Infinite Intelligence
  • The method of accurate thinking
  • How to avoid anything that could impede your success

Kick-start your journey of self-discovery today and accumulate the fortune of your dreams!